The CLCO Blog
Hey there! So glad you found your way to our cozy corner of the internet. If you're someone who's juggling the beautiful chaos of life, from managing a career to keeping the household running smoothly, you're in the right place. So whether you're looking for home organization tips, moving hacks, or inspiration for crafting an stress-free living space, we've got you covered. Our blog is your go-to destination for practical advice, heartfelt client stories, and a sprinkle of humor along the way. So grab your favorite mug of tea, cozy up, and let's embark on this journey together. Here's to making every corner of your home a place of peace and serenity.
Modern-Day Minimalism (With Kids!): How to Declutter Without Losing Your Sanity
Minimalism isn’t about tossing all your belongings and living like a monk. It’s about keeping what serves you and letting go of what doesn’t. The key question isn’t “How much stuff can I get rid of?” but rather “How much stuff do I actually need to feel calm, happy, and functional?”
Hey Mama - go grab that treat you’ve been saving and buckle up!
Hey there, fellow super moms! Can we take a moment to chat about something that's always on our minds – the never-ending battle against clutter?
“All is fair in love and moving.”
Hey there, fellow super-parents! Let's talk about one of life's greatest - and most stressful, adventures: moving house with young children.
Are You Ready for Anything? How to Prepare Your Family for Emergencies
Heart racing, you stumble out of bed, trying to make sense of the chaos unfolding around you. It's a false alarm, but the panic lingers, leaving you with a sobering question: is my family really prepared for household emergencies?
Your Top 5 Home Organization Questions Answered
We tackled your Top 5 most frequently asked questions when it comes to home organization - read on for all the juicy tips!
Gifts for Kids = Potential for Clutter
Remember that heart drop feeling because you know you don’t have anywhere for this MASSIVE present to live in your home? Let’s talk How to Ease the Intake of Clutter
Spring Cleaning Tips
Take this time to get some much needed organization done as well. Here are a few key places to get your tidy on:
Top Stressor? Moving House.
Moving house is beyond stressful, here are some tips to help control the chaos and enjoy the process of starting anew!